
Democracy on Trial:Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Postauthoritarian Taiwan

Democracy on Trial:Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Postauthoritarian Taiwan哪裡買?

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  • 定價:1180

  • Democracy on Trial:Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Postauthoritarian Taiwan

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      Democracy on Trial is an attempt to begin to negotiate the problem of writing about and understanding democracy and social movements in Taiwan, and what they can tell us about a place and country that for me is both home and the field, an object of study and yet also an area of hope and engagement.


    Ya-Chung Chuang

      Chuang Ya-Chung has a PH.D. form Duke University and teaches anthropology in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan.

      Democracy on Trail is an attempt to begin to negotiate the problem of writing about and understadning democracy and social movements in Taiwan, and what they can tell us about a place and country that for me is both home and the field, an object of study and yet also an area of hope and engagement.


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